You can certainly do this when you become a CPAASC Board of Committee! And certainly, now is your chance to SHINE!
The CPA Australia Student Charter (Swinburne Sarawak) will be conducting a recruitment drive in search for potential candidates to join our committee for the next fiscal year of 2011.
BENEFITS of being apart the committee:-
· Chance to ORGANIZE various events
· Increase experience regarding PUBLIC RELATIONS
· Incorporate and enhance TEAMWORK with others
· Meet and work with different PEOPLE
· Gain groundwork EXPERIENCE on the real organising scenarios
· Candidates can be from ALL SCHOOLS (Business and Design, Engineering/Science, IT/Multimedia, or Design)
· Commitment from AT LEAST Semester 1/2011 until end of Semester 2/2011
· Only CPAASC members are allowed to apply (NEW members are encouraged to apply)
before 11 MARCH 2011.
Thank you and we look forward to receive your applications online!