Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Closing of Registration - Leadership Camp and Appreciation Dinner 2008

Dear all,

Due to the overwhelming response from members, the 40 available seats for the Leadership Camp and Appreciation Night 2008 is officialy closed. We apologise to members who wanted to attend but did not get the chance to sign up - we'd like to express our appreciation and gratitude for your infinite support. As said, "The best is always yet to come". Thus, we'll be glad to have your continuous support in the coming semester.

As for those who managed to registered as participants, please be reminded that your CPA passport number is still required. Do check and confirmed the requisite number via e-mail to us.

To the members who have signed up on the spot for membership, below is the link to sign up for the CPA Passport:

Do email us your Passport number once you've registered.

Thanks and looking forward to December 10th!

CPA Australia Student Charter 2008
(Swinburne Sarawak)

1 comment:

Ai Ling Ong said...

Wow! Can’t imagine that the response was so great!

Many thanks to all the working committee as well as all the participants who had been so supportive!

Looking forward to 10th December 2008 for the trip!

At the meantime, good luck to everyone on their final exam! :)