The Annual General Meeting was held on the 12th or March 2008 at room 8.13. The emcee, Ronnie, extended a welcome to the advisors, committee members as well as all existing and new members to start the AGM at 3:30pm. The crowd was a large turnout!

Madam Su Sueh Ing, one of the club advisors handing out a certificate to our past member for completing the fiscal year of 2007.

Mr Chan Soon Hua, one of the club advisors, takes his turn to hand out a certificate to one of our members.

During the AGM, the semester planner for the first semester of 2008 was revealed to the students. Also, the certificate requirements were explained to the attendees,
Qualifications for the certificates are as below:
• Must be a member of CPA ASC for two consecutive semesters;
• Have been actively involved in most of the events organized; and
• Minimum participation in 2 major events organized.

Our refreshments served.

The annual general went smoothly with good feedback. The club managed to get more than 120 new members registering for this year. Members were also served with light refreshments at the end of the session and committees get to mingle with the members and answering to their enquiries or doubts. There being no other matters to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. with refreshments served.