Firstly is our CPA Career Talk, with our main speaker flying all the way from Kuala Lumpur's CPA Malaysia Division headquarters, Mr Edwin Wong who will be talking about CPA, CPA Passport and such on the 22nd of May 2009 at 2:30pm at B004. Make sure you come and listen him out!

Also, at night we will be organising out Networking Night cum Installation Dinner! With our distinguished guests Mr Edwin Wong and also Dr. Edward Lim, together with some Swinburne alumni, the night is destined to be a blast!
There are limited seats for Networking Night so please do ensure that you send your name, Student ID and also your CPA Passport number to us at with the header "Registering for Networking Night 2009."
We would like to request all students to personally register using their own emails, and not to request friends to help them to email in one go as we have had registration problems with this manner. We would appreciate it if everyone could adhere to this request. TQ~!
Please register fast as we have LIMITED space for the dinner! Did we mention that we would be playing some ice-breaking games, dinner and also have a session with our Swinburne alumni and Dr Edward Lim on their experiences working in top firms such as Ernst & Young?
So, why hesitate? Register for both events NOW!
For further enquiries, please do not hesitate to email us as well.