On the 17th of March 2010, CPAASC 2010 held the 1st event of the year 2010, Annual General meeting (AGM) 2010.
As usual, members are required
to register themselves before they enter the meeting hall. We did not limit to only existing member, we do also welcome those new coming in member and we are sure that you will gain something from our club.
Our president, Miss Edina Chong is introducing the new board of commitee and also gave briefing on what we had did in year 2009. Besides that, she also introduce the upcoming event and these can be checked in here, our CPA Austrialia student charter blogspot.
After that, our treasurer, Miss Nancy Chan, presenting the financial report of year 2009After the financial report, its time to distribute the appreciation certificates to members who have met their quotas. We invited our advisor Mr. Chan to distribute the appreciation certificate.
One of the student which had reach the quotas.And with that, we end our Annual General Meeting 2010.
After the meeting, Members are required to pay their member fees.
The two hardworking lady, busy with the receipt and the other 2 assistant are there to help them collecting money and check the receipt.On the other side, members who attended the undergraduate conference 2009 are able to collect their certificates from the other 2 committee members.
Miss President is helping out in checking members name list while the other committee member are looking for the certificates.
Members are required to check their name whether is on the name list or not.Here is one of the certificates:~
Last but not least, refreshment are also provided.
There are deep fried popiah and egg sandwiches 
There are Cordial drinks, OrangeThe portion is not enough but we will improve in the future.
Here, We CPAASC 2010 wanted to say "Thank You" for attending this Meeting.
Congratulation to those who gets their certificates.
Welcome to those new member and also "Thank you" to those existing member for trusting and keep walking with us.
Once again "Thank you", without your support, there will be no CPAASC 2010. We will try our best to let you guys, gain as many things, knowledge and fun from the things which we have done. Cheers~ ^^